BELLINCIONI - Precision mounts

Alpha 3 HPE


Mod. Alpha 3 HPE
Main tecnical specs :

Absolute angle encoder with high accuracy 25 bits (0,04 arc/sec)

A.R. gear 360 tooth D183mm in B14 bronze with D200mm setting circle division4′ with 10″ vernier
DEC. gear 300 tooth D153mm in B14 bronze with D170mm setting circle division 1°with 2,5′ vernier
Stainless steel worms D23mm
Stainless steel shafts with high precision 50 mm internal diameter conic bearings
Stainless steel counterweights 6Kg and 10Kg
Stainless steel full counterweight shaft D35mm
Saddle plate base D170mm
Instrument weight max capacity 50Kg
Latitude setting from 0 to  65° – 2.5°/turn
Azimut setting  20°  – 23’/turn
Total weight of 33 Kg without counterweights
Mean periodic error +/-1 seconds of arc.